Keith Glein
Quite nice example of a rare Aasnæs Bullet Roller. This one has a great net on it, too.
It's a fairly small float that measures only about 4 3/4 in length.
This float was probably made sometime in the mid to late 1800's.
Excellent provenance having been found by Helge Lian in Norway in 2022.
Here's an extremely Kanji Roller with mark WP #154.
This mark is one of the six Miyako kanji roller marks, so reading down the cartouche the symbols are Mi ミ, Ya ヤ, Ko コ. The fourth symbol on the bottom of the cartouche is an encircled Naka 仲, so that might be read as Maru Naka Jin.
The symbol 仲 translates to mean 'relationship'.
This float has excellent provenance have been found by Israel Olivera on the beaches of Poillo Island the Philippines.
This Mold Line Roller is in very fine condition.
It's shows some Sun-Turned color but it's not as dark like some I've seen.
It measures about 5 7/8 inches in length.
Excellent provenance having been ex-Bruce Gudahl collection.
Light blue netted float.
Partial stamp of mark WP #81 "2".
This float measures about 3 inches in diameter.
Found on Hokkaido Island, Japan.
Light blue netted float.
This float measures about 3 inches in diameter.
Found on Hokkaido Island, Japan.
Classic Blue Swirls in a glass ball. The blue swirls emanate from the seal and you can see fine blue swirls throughout the float.
This float measures about 3 1/2 inches in diameter.
Found on Hokkaido Island, Japan sold through Ogkyo in Australia.
It's harder than you think to find blue rollers. Now, I'm not just talking about dark blue rollers; those are super rare. Even light blue rollers are few and far between.
This light blue roller is a smaller Hokkaido roller that measures about 4 1/2 inches in length. It also has tons of bubbles in the glass.
It has excellent provenance having come from Ogkyo.
Nice thick Blue Seal on a light green colored float.
This float measures about 4 1/4 inches in diameter.
Excellent provenance having come from Ocean Grove Kyo antigue shop in Australia (aka Ogkyo). Purchased as part of their going out of business (Fire Sale) in July 2022.
Classic Blue Dot float that measures about 4 1/4 inches in diameter.
Great provenance having come from Ogkyo.
Mark WP #2 'Kita' 北 stamped on the seal button of a 7 inch float.
This FF stamp is unusual in that it's much smaller than you typically see. It has quite thin lettering but not as thin as the old 'pencil thin' stamps.
Purchased this float in Japan in 2022.
Mark WP #27 'Dai in a Box' is a mark that's quite hard to find. They're even harder to find on large floats. I'm only aware of less than a handful of 'Dai in a Box' marks stamped on the ID seals of large floats.
This rare float measures 30 inches in circumference or about 9 1/2 inches in diameter.
It has excellent provenance and was found in the Philippines by Barry Diaz. I purchased it from Barry in 2022.