Keith Glein
This was the first mark WP #268 'Ko' エ found on a roller. There have since been 1 or 2 more but they are still pretty rare.
The roller measures about 5 inches in length.
Excellent provenance having come from one of Michelle & Shane Konkle's big containers full of floats from Japan in 2022.
Here's a 4 inch Double Ball float where the Inner Ball looks to be just a little over 1 inch across.
This float has a very nice old crude net that could be made out of sisal. It measures about 14 3/4 inches around with the net.
Excellent provenance having been found in Japan by Eva & Steve Bradford in 2022.
Beautiful large Burgundy float that's an authentic working float.
The float itself measures 34 1/2 inches around or about 11 inches in diameter.
This float has excellent provenance having been purchased from the ex-Bruce Gidoll collection. Bruce was known in the float community for having one of the finest collections of colorful floats ever assembled.
American Groove float that's in perfect condition.
These grooved floats were made by the Northwestern Glass Company in Seattle, Washington in the 1940's.
This float is clear in color and measures about 5 1/8 inches in length.
Very unusual Tohoku roller that's an odd flint color.
Then to make matters even stranger, it has fine Cranberry Swirls that emanate from the seal end and go throughout the float.
It's an authentic working float with a few small flea bite chips on the seal.
This float is the standard 6 inches in length that you find Tohoku rollers.
I uncovered this float in Japan. The seller had put a custom of macramé sort of net on it. It was hard to tell the true color until I purchased the float and then ripped the make shift net off. Boy, was I surprised!
I showed this float to Walt Pich and he told me he had never seen another roller same color.
Large Burgundy colored float that's an authentic working float. It has visible marks on the surface of the glass from being netted.
Interesting looking double seal. I'm not clear on manufacturing method used but to me it looks like a second smaller seal was placed on top of the first seal.
This float measures 34 1/4 inches in circumference or about 11 inches in diameter.
Excellent provenance having come from ex-Bruce Gidoll collection. Bruce's collection is one of the finest collections of colorful floats.
Very Dark Brown Pumpkin that appears almost black when not back lit by a bright light.
This pumpkin has no patches and measures 34 1/2 inches around or about 11 inches in diameter.
It has excellent provenance having come from the ex-Bruce Gidoll collection. Bruce had one of the best collections of colored floats in the world.
Stunning large Deep Purple float.
This float is a rare absolutely authentic Japanese glass fishing float. It shows the typical signs of wear of a working float plus there abasions in the glass from the rope from being netted.
The float itself measures about 39 1/4 inches around or about 12 1/2 inches in diameter.
It has excellent provenance having come from the ex-Bruce Gidoll collection; one of the finest collections of colorful floats in the world.
Beautiful Light Blue Pumpkin with one patch.
Very hard to find pumpkins in these wonderful blue colors. This is a highly collectible float.
The seal has kind of a pinched-sunken look to it. I saw a float in Walt Pich's collection that could be its twin. That's always a good thing!
This pumpkin measures about 39 1/4 inches in circumference or 12 1/2 inches in diameter.
It has excellent provenance having come from the ex-Bruce Gidoll collection. Bruce has one of the world's best collections of colorful floats.
Cincotta Bros. float that's clear in color.
This float measures about 5 inches in diameter.
American-made float produced in the San Francisco area.
Yellow float that has mark WP #25 Dai 大 impressed into the glass of the seal button.
This float measures 22 1/2 inches in circumference or about 7 inches in diameter.
I purchased this float in Seattle from a seller that had three of these yellow dai 大 marked 7 inch floats. I bought all three of them.
Unusual marked Yellow float. It has mark WP #25 Dai 大 stamped into the glass of the seal button.
This stamp has been pressed into the glass rather than raised above the glass as you'll typically see.
The float measures 7 inches in diameter.
I purchased this float in Seattle from a seller that had three of these yellow dai 大 marked 7 inch floats. I bought all three of them.