Keith Glein
Rare Sausage found with mark WP #7-A 'Maru Se'. Mark WP #7-A is a common mark but it's rarely seen stamped on a sausage.
This is a standard-sized sausage measuring about 4 inches in length.
Purchased in Japan in early 2023.
Extremely rare True Mini Jumbo with a maker's mark.
To my knowledge, this is one of only a few True Mini Jumbos in collections that has a mark. In this case, it's the only one with the mark is WP #130; Sa サ in a triangular configuration.
(The other True Mini Jumbo I saw with a mark had a simple roof mark. It was light blue in color)
This blue-green roller is a working float with a few small chips around the seal like you'd expect to see.
I purchased this float in Japan in early 2023.
Undocumented mark on a trimold float. This mark has III hash embossed on both sides the upper hemisphere and an 'O' on one side of the bottom hemisphere.
It's a trimold that measures about 3 1/4 inches in diameter.
I spoke the Dawn Marie about this mark she told me it was a hard one to find but not sonsidered a rare mark.
I purchased this float from Evan Buffington in 2022.
One large barnacle growing through the netting. The large barnacle is about 2 inches tall at its tallest.
This is a 3 inch float.
Excellent provenance having come from ex-Bruce Gidoll's collection.
A single large barnacle with some other small barnacles attached. The large barnacle is about 2 inches tall at its tallest.
There are also several small pieces of coral growing on the barnacle.
This is a 3 inch float with the large barnacle growing through the netting.
Excellent provenance having come from ex-Bruce Gidoll's collection.
A large barnacle with tube worms inside the barnacle. The barnacle is about 2 1/2 inches tall.
This is a 3 inch float.
Excellent provenance having come from ex-Bruce Gidoll's collection.
A single large barnacle on a 3 inch netted float. The barnacle is about 1 3/4 inches tall.
Excellent provenance having come from ex-Bruce Gidoll's collection.
When I first bought this float I thought it had the symbol 'mizu' 水, but when I showed it to a friend they told me that it was the symbol 'Ei' 永. Ei 永 is an undocumented mark that translates to mean 'eternal'.
This float measures 20 1/2 inches circumference or about 6 1/2 inches.
It has excellent provenance having been found on the beaches of Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands by Bill Hadley.
This 9 1/2 float has an extraordinarily large inner ball that measures about 3 1/4 inches at its widest.
These large floats with large inner balls are extremely rare.
An interesting feature of this float is that it has a double seal.
This float comes with excellent provenance having come from ex-Bruce Gidoll's collection. Bruce's private collection was well-known in the collector community.
Beautiful Blue float. This float has some many blue swirls in it that it appears to be blue. There are also tons of bubbles.
The seal has a few chips on it but they don't really detract away from this little beauty.
It measures about 9 1/4 inches in circumference or 3 inches in diameter.
This Sun-Turned float with a Green Seal displays quite nicely. It has some visible net frosting. There's also some remnants of shell life, too.
Unfortunately, this float has some serious dings in the glass. It still has structural integrity but these cracks are an issue.
It measures 18 5/8 inches in circumference or about 6 inches in diameter.
This float has excellent provenance having come from the ex-Bruce Gidoll collection. Bruce had one of the finest collections of colorful floats ever assembled.
Beautiful Sun-Turned float with a Green Seal.
This float measures 22 1/2 inches in circumference or about 7 inches in diameter.
I've been told by Woody Woodard that at one time there may have been a producer of floats in Japan that put green seals on floats that eventually became sun-turned. The incidence of sun-turned floats with green seals just seems to high to me to be some kind of random event.
This float has excellent provenance having come from the ex-Bruce Gidoll collection. Bruce had one of the finest collections of colorful floats ever assembled.